Books of the "Doors of Casco Viejo"

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Nice Views of Hilton Head, SC from the desk of Just SomeMooreStuff

Its fun to visit places you've never been to before....
and what better place to start visiting than in your own backyard....
that is in the country you already live in!

The Atlantic Ocean off Hilton Head in South Carolina

The jelly fish washed up on the shore...
and were just in the sand....

From the Desk of Just SomeMooreStuff comes a few 
interesting sites and beautiful picturesque scenery! 
How could I escape appreciating the stump of a tree left 
to create a unique sculpture on the beach landscape.....

Appreciating the natural decay taking place....
at the same time not shying away from the art 
delivered as the stump waits to fade into the beach sunset...

The Fanna & Flora were as fabulous as the water landscape
scences and the beach along the Atlanic coast line.