Books of the "Doors of Casco Viejo"

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Days of Harvest

Working in the garden with my son 
was an absolute treasure. 
He has a green thumb just like his 
mother and his Great-great-grandmother ....

He had a harvset of tomatos for days. 
I think he made some tomato sauce for canning.



Monday, July 13, 2020

Just Some MooreStuff here to pass along. 

I discovered a new location for showcasing my Photos (Fotos), thanks to a Pro Photographer named Dan Rubin. He did a very nice piece on how to create a visually stunning book of your travels with Blurb!

I've loved using Blurb and was curious to hear his advice. Always open to advice .... it was nicely put & well taken,.... at the end, he continued with where to see his work and where to purchase his work....
That lead me to DARKROOM!! 

You can see the beginning layouts of my work on DARKROOM @ 

A wonderfully designed platform for photographers to sell their work and have someone else do all the
printing, framing, and shipping for you. How perfect can that be.... We will soon see! 😍😎

Please feel free to check it out...and if there are any photographers out there who would like to participate with me...Please use the referral code below to get started:


Happy Visual Stimulations to All....

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Just Some MooreStuff coming @ you...... "Desert Flowers in Bloom"

Cactus Flowers in the summer...
in the Deserts of Nevada

The Night Blooming Cereus Plant in 
full bloom @ 9p.m.

Flowers of the Desert


I Am Root! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020