Books of the "Doors of Casco Viejo"

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

And so another chapter begins....
always evolving and ever changing! 

Finding that place where there is comfort in just being...and the place where it just is.... there....

The power to give and receive comfortably....with out expectation..

Just some MOORESTUFF here.... of some of my favorite quotes and pics together for some inspiration....
or just visual enjoyment! And maybe motivation....

Paulo Coelho says it very clearly
Well stated and precise! 

Let us not be subject to the repetitions of our past.....

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Just Some MOORESTUFF coming out again for your viewing pleasure and thoughts.....

Just Some older photos from the desert @ The Pima Canyon Trailhead some other places of travels....... 

Like Casco Viejo in Panama City, 
Panama and the beautiful stacked 
glass structure in Manolo Restaurant....
with all the wine corks that they 
have undoubtedly served to countless
visitors to the area!! 

How wonderful is that??!!

Plus just some nice quotes
I love to pick up on the way thru life..
Click on the pic...& Enjoy!!