And so another chapter begins... There's Just Some MOOREStuff showing now.......The show from Tanatlo (in Casco Antiguo, Panama) moved over next door to Casa Nuratti and Gatto Negro!! And WOW what an opening there!!
Wall Of Doors... |
Just the Beginning.... |
A Kiss For Davide! |
Thanks Marcos! |
Solangel Robinson |
With a Video interview...and a Live band with musicians playing in an open jam session....It was amazing & we had a great turn out!!
Thanks to Davide for putting this all together, Solangel for helping with the video and promotions...and to Franci for the special encouragement and the hook up! A special thanks to Marcos for hosting it all.....
Christine Maisonneuve & Franci Otazo |
Miroslaw T. Gliwa |
The musicians where wonderful and we
also had a guest appearance from a wonderful singer who preformed at my
other show next door....Christine Maisonneuve!!!
Also a great shout out to our Photographer and friend...Miroslaw T. Gliwa for some great shoots of the evening.!! We had a great time!!
My heart goes out to Andrea for introducing me
to his wonderful friends he invited!! Thanks for the support Enrique!! Enjoy!
If you want to see "Just Some MOORESTUFF" and the Foto Exhibition of "The Doors of Casco Antiguo"....take a look at the wonderful video Davide Fiorentini & Solangle Robinson put together for the show and the Menu on hand!!
The show will be on display untill March 27, 2015 @ Gatto Negro, in the lobby on Ave B & Calle 8 in Casco Viejo (Casco Antiguo), Panama City, Panama.
Enjoy the video @
Here's the Menu for your viewing pleasure: